
Another Acceptance!

I'm glad to say my first pro sale, "Clown Car, Driven Once, Never Emptied" has been accepted for production in the Tales to Terrify podcast! It should be available to hear sometime in April or May. This story first appeared in Unlikely Story's "Clowns: the Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix" at the beginning of the year. I'm very excited to hear how they produce it, and the chance to get more people to hear all about those creepy clowns. . ....

2016 Award Eligibility & Recommendations

I had mentioned in a previous post that I had several things I was thankful for in 2016. Most of what I've been thankful for are my stories published this year. Eligible Work All of my eligible work in 2016 is short fiction: First, my story, "Clown Car, Driven Once, Never Emptied" appeared in Unlikely Story's "Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix" in January 2016. Charles Payseur seemed to like it quite a bit! My second story, "Choices, In Sequential Order" first appeared in Nature in April 2016. Nature also produced a podcast version of the story that sounds amazing. My third story is "Every Orphan Child to a Good Home Must Go" which appeared in Daily Science Fiction in October 2016. My Recommendations My reading has been mostly of short form fiction, but some of the stories I read this year that stood out to me follow. "Things With Beards" by Sam J. Miller. "When You Work for the Old...

Giving Thanks in 2016

It seems odd to give thanks for 2016. I mean, this was the year we lost David Bowie. The year Prince died. The year many of us sat dismayed at the results of the U.S. Presidential elections. It would seem that there's little to give thanks for in 2016. On a personal note, November has turned out to be pretty awful, but sometimes one must drink the bitter waters to get to the sweet. I went into the hospital yesterday for a small surgical procedure, and am back home with little pain. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery. Looking back over my writing this year, I realized I have much to be thankful for in this regard. As of today, I have: 105 submissions 6 acceptances (3 new, 3 reprint sales) 3 stories in print in 2016: in the "Clowns: The Unlikely Coulrophobia Remix" anthology, Nature and Daily Science Fiction Joined the Science...

“Choices, In Sequential Order” is Live at Digital Science Fiction, and My First Narration is at Strange Horizons

I was made aware my story, "Choices, In Sequential Order" is now live at Digital Science Fiction's "QuickFic" page. Head on over to read it again, and if you subscribe to their mailing list, you get some free stuff and discounts! Also, as a result of Strange Horizon's successful fund drive last month, this month they are presenting several stories which first appeared in Spanish, translated. I was chosen to help narrate Susan Vallejo's "Gracia" in Spanish. The story is up in written form in both English and Spanish. This type of project is very exciting, and I hope to see more like it in the future!...

Achievement Unlocked: New Market Cracked!

I'm glad to announce my story, "Emergency Evaluation of Penny Ante, as Recorded by Cal-Q-Tron of the Benevolent Order of Heroes" sold to Galaxy's Edge! I'm still reeling by how quickly the editor, Mike Resnick, responded, but I'm overjoyed my funny story about performance evaluations and superheroes finally found a home....