Awards Eligibility

Hello, 2020

A new decade, the date of many an old-school futuristic setting (though the Cyberpunk 2020 game has since had the wisdom to update its year). The future is now, even though it doesn't feel much different than last year. In fact, it feels like the future is losing its shine, with what awaits us all if we don't do anything to mitigate climate change. I don't mean to be gloomy about the future, and I certainly shouldn't feel that way after returning from vacationing in Puerto Rico earlier this month, but that feeds into it. Puerto Rico was and continues to be colorful and vibrant, a place I'll never stop calling home. My partner was continually amazed at how everywhere--even at the bottom of a sewer grating--was a riot of growth, and watching her experience what I did for most of my life made me happy. We ended up driving to...

It’s That Time of Year: My 2018 Eligibility Post

Folks, it's awards season and it's time for me to submit my eligible stories for 2018. I humbly request you read them for consideration for the Nebulas, Hugos, Locus, World Fantasy or the Campbell (I'm in my last year of eligibity). At the very least, I'd love for them to be read and thought about again. Many thanks! My two eligible publications are in the Short Story Category (under 7,500 words): Writing for the End of the World - This appeared in Nature on March 7, 2018 (996 words). This is an origin story for post-apocalyptic fiction interwoven with one of my favorite jokes. Emergency Evaluation for Penny Ante, as Recorded by Cal-Q-Tron of the Benevolent Order of Heroes - This appeared in Galaxy's Edge #32, their May/June 2018 issue (999 words). Penny Macías, sidekick to Major Patriot is up for her her first job evaluation, and it turns out she's not the best fit for the job. Over at...