
2020: Year of the Novel?

On the eve of going on vacation, I’ve been thinking about what I should do next in terms of my writing, and have decided I’m going to go ahead and work on a novel in 2020.

When I went to Futurescapes in 2018, I had an idea for a YA novel. Its setting begins in a fantastical version of Mexico City and ends up in the Mayan land of the dead. The characters are still there, waiting for me to give them voice, and I resolve to push past my wariness to start working on the book.

I’m resolving to start with no more than 250 words a day, starting when I return from Puerto Rico and want to try to write for at least 5 days a week. I’ve never tried to write a novel, always concentrating on writing shorter fiction, but I’m going to try. Maybe it’ll stop short of a novel and end up a novella, maybe I’ll complete a 75,000-word manuscript without too much trouble (haha), but I’m going to give it a try and keep at it as long as I can.

I hope that by the end of the year, I’ll have something resembling a completed manuscript to start shopping around. Even if it ultimately doesn’t end up going anywhere, I can feel like I’ve achieved something big in 2020.

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