
First Post of the Plague Year

I’m joking about the title of this post, but only halfway, given the news. I’m trying to be as cautious as possible, but I’ll not lie: I’m worried for myself, and for how many people will likely die as a result of COVID-19.

It’s hard to find hope in this moment, pinched between the current crisis and the larger ones looming in the future. I am so very fortunate to have a job that’s stable, that will be allowing me to telework until further notice, and that I’m truly blessed in my life, my wife, my home and everything else. Sure, I worked towards this, but I was amazingly lucky to receive everything I now have.

I wish more people had that opportunity, that luck.

So, I’ve concentrated on my reading, am trying my hand at some poetry via the Codex online writer’s forum, and practicing on my ukelele every other day (I’m still not very good).

I also have word that my story, “As The Shore to the Tides So Blood Calls to Blood” is tentatively scheduled to appear next month in Beneath Ceaseless Skies. This is by far my longest work and I’m excited to share it with everyone!

So, in short–I’m as well as can be expected and ask all of you to take care of each other, friends. We’re all in this together.

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